Friday, May 2, 2014

Out with the Old and in with the Neo

Do you remember the ending of the Matrix?  Neo, played by Keanu Reeves slows down reality as he begins to understand the power of the matrix.  During this watershed moment, Neo is literally dodging bullets in slow motion.  Some people may have left the theater shaking their heads at the over the top movie magic.
Yet dodging bullets is a real thing.  Perhaps not literally but figurative bullets may be dodged.  Penn State has dodged such a bullet.  James Franklin, Penn State’s new football coach, has been cleared of any shady dealings with the woman at the center of a rape investigation.  Alleged four members of the Vanderbilt football team raped a woman.  There were murmurings that Franklin had contacted the victim in an inappropriate manner.  According to deputy district attorney Tom Thurman, Franklin and his wife called the victim to express their concern and let her know she was in their prayers.  Thurman also commented that the contact was not an attempt to cover anything up, even though that is how the rumor mill had begun to spin it.
If Franklin were guilty of whitewashing a rape it would have ruined Penn State’s program.  All of the excitement, 72,000 fans at the spring game, generated by the Nittany Lion’s excellent hire would have evaporated.  Penn State has barely survived the tarnish of the Jerry Sandusky sex scandal.  Another would have left Happy Valley as the most ironic name in sports.
Penn State has entered the matrix and dodged an early obstacle.  Of course, the rape case was public knowledge.  The hiring process would have vetted such a serious issue.  This was a foreseeable bullet.  What remains is the fallout of the rape case.  Allegations have emerged that Franklin organized a hostess group for recruiting purposes.  The victim may have been one of these women. 
           This link explores the sordid history of the practice and the current legality of it.  If Franklin had crossed the line and instructed the hostesses to give the recruits any sort of illicit benefits he may yet find himself in the cross hairs of a sex scandal.  It is highly unlikely that that scenario plays out.  However, Franklin’s hiring was supposed to usher in the new era of Penn State football.  So far, this Neo-Penn State has felt far too much like the last weeks of Joe Paterno’s Penn State.

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